
MerchantMate specification has been carefully crafted to provide a vast and flexible system to handle complex merchant business requirements.

The basic architect of the system is designed in Australia keeping in view the latest need of merchant environment for small, medium, and large retail businesses. Merchantmate is different from other available system in many ways but mainly; it provides full set of modules covering sales, inventories, staffing & HR, e-marketing, Appointments, e-commerce, marketplace and full point based loyalty program and much more all under one platform and leaves hardly any scope for any third-party services to be subscribed or integrated by the merchant. The OlarMe module; the ecommerce platform of MerchantMate is versatile to promote and sell products such as food, retails and services with online payments. In addition, MerchantMate comes with its own hardware solutions fully in-house designed and developed and manufactured to the international standards.

Founded by Mr Singh, who comes with more than 40 years of experience in business systems, electronics hardware and software; in the Information technology and the payment industries. With this vast exposure Mr Singh combines with a talented and capable software development team we are bringing exactly what the merchant needs in this modern age and at an affordable price.

The first version of the system has been released during the Covid period (2020); however a much improved and enhanced revolutionary system is on its way to be introduced in the later part of the year 2024